Port of Long Beach Storm Drain Pump Station Evaluation

The Port of Long Beach’s (POLB) largest storm water pump station, Pump Station 28, was experiencing mechanical and electrical issues. POLB selected Cannon to determine what was necessary for upgrading and bringing the station back to its intended capacity. Although the rated capacity of the pump station is 180,000 gpm, it was only capable of pumping 90,000 gpm. Two of the larger pumps could turn on, but they needed to rotate faster to produce flow. Through completing a site visit, structural evaluation, and technical memorandum, Cannon determined that replacement of the existing pumps was required.

Three alternatives were presented to POLB to bring the pump station up to its rated capacity. Two of these alternatives involved removing a portion of the existing prestressed concrete plank roof system to replace the pumps. The alternatives also included upgrades to the electrical service, equipment, and miscellaneous piping and valves.


Long Beach, California

Key Elements

  • Engineering & Design
  • Structural Evaluation
  • Technical Memorandum
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