Loose Cannons Take On the Tour of the California Alps
Recognized as one of the premier cycling events in the West, the Death Ride took Loose Cannons through 129 miles and up 15,000 feet of climbing on the precarious five pass course.
With company president Mike Cannon at the helm, this year’s derring-doers included Larry Kraemer, John Evans, Jeff and Angie Spannbauer, Cara Martinez and her sister Meggie Elledge, Jordan Kehoe and his girlfriend Shaneis Malouff, Chad Engelskirger, and Jazz Gilbert.
The course challenges riders to traverse Alpine County up and down the following passes:
• Monitor Pass (Highway 89) 8,314 feet;
• Ebbetts Pass (Highway 4) 8,730 feet; and
• Carson Pass (Highway 88) 8,580 feet.
At the course’s completion, Loose Cannons ended their onerous journey at Turtle Rock just north of Markleeville, California. High-five Loose Cannons!