Social Responsibility
Impact for Good
At Cannon, we recognize the power every project has to transform the community it serves. We also understand our potential to better our communities beyond our project work.
We don’t just live in the community; we live the community. That means participating in community events, supporting local groups and charities, and giving through service. Although no one can do everything, we believe everyone can do something.

Local Impact
Since 1976, we have made it a priority to give back to the community. This commitment is evident through our charitable donations over the years and a general philanthropic spirit firmwide.
It is not unusual for groups or individuals at Cannon to spend their off-work hours donating time, skills, or funds to help enrich the lives of others.

Charitable Gift Matching
Through the Cannon Charitable Gift Matching Program, Cannon encourages employees to contribute to the charity of their choosing. The following is a sample of some of the organizations and causes supported through this program.
- Annual Food Drive
- Annual Charity Tree Holiday Drive
- Children and Families in Need
- American Cancer Society
- Education and College Foundations
- Performing Arts
- Homeless Shelters
- Children’s Hospitals
- Humane Societies
- Bike Coalitions
- Habitat for Humanity
- Big Brothers Big Sisters
- charity: water
- Lifewater International
- American Red Cross
- U.S. Veteran Support Organizations
- Muscular Dystrophy
We make a living by what we get.
We make a life by what we give.
Winston Churchill
Global Impact – Well Worth It
In 2010, Cannon took the idea of community outreach one step further and created the “Well Worth It” Campaign, through which Cannon raises awareness and funds for clean drinking water projects around the globe.
In less than two months, through a grassroots effort, we raised over $10,000 through donations — enough to build two wells in Ethiopia — through the charitable organization charity: water. To date, Well Worth It raises over $10,000 every year for clean water projects around the globe.

Diversity & Inclusion
We believe in building a diverse, inclusive, and authentic culture. That’s why, since our inception, we’ve supported a work atmosphere that celebrates collegiality and cooperation, knowing that broader viewpoints encourage better designs. To that end, we work hard to cultivate a team as diverse as the communities we serve.
We’re keenly aware of the potential impact our designs have and know that the more diverse and inclusive our team, the better our designs meet the needs of today’s communities.

Environment & Sustainability
For us, ‘environment’ and ‘sustainability’ aren’t simply buzzwords. We’ve long understood that designs drawn with a true understanding of their impact on their surroundings aren’t just socially responsible, they’re also better.
From LEED Accredited Professionals to Envision Sustainability Professionals, we’re well-equipped to handle all green and sustainable project needs and see each and every one as an opportunity to better the communities we serve.