DBE Subconsultant Opportunity – Major Interchange Improvement Project


Cannon is seeking qualifications from Caltrans certified Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) firms interested in providing services related to labor compliance, quality assurance survey, materials testing, and paleontological services to the County of San Luis Obispo for a major interchange improvement project.

Services may include the following:

Labor compliance – verifying conformance with the Local Assistance Procedure Manual LAPM and the DIR, including spot-checking payrolls to confirm compliance with State and Federal prevailing wage rates; cross-checking reports, interviews, and payrolls and wage rates to determine the contractor and subcontractor compliance; conducting labor compliance and certified payrolls reviews and approvals with every monthly payment.

Quality Assurance Survey – performing periodic verification surveys to assure the quality of construction staking effort.

Material Testing –verifying conformance with LAPM and the up-to-date Caltrans Construction Manual and IA Manual, where applicable, and performing testing in a California certified laboratory. Other services may include review and approval of ARHM and AC mix designs as well as PCC mix design (consult with County for approval of PCC mix for the Project); providing all material source inspection, sampling and testing by a qualified materials engineer as required by the LAPM and the Caltrans Construction Manual and IA Manual; providing requested miscellaneous consultation during the project, including discussion with the contractor to emphasize proper treatment of concrete, providing all compaction tests per plan, specifications, and regulations per LAPM and the Caltrans Construction Manual and IA Manual; providing nuclear compaction testing on the day of paving; and incorporating all samples and tests, material releases, and certificates of compliance into the RE project files. Upon completion of the Project, a Materials Certificate (LAPM Exhibit 17-G) must be prepared, signed and submitted to the County. Exceptions and changes shall be explained and justified and attached to the certificate.

Paleontological Services – it is assumed that the project will not impact paleontological resources. Subconsultant will confirm this assumption and determine through assessment, the need, including review of the contract documents, project plans and specifications, initial study/mitigated negative declaration, Paleontological Resources Report (SWCA, May 2019), site conditions and all other pertinent project data and resources.

Identify areas where excavation into native material is required. If the assessment performed indicates the need for paleontological monitoring, prepare a mitigation plan that:

–  Identifies the areas where excavation may occur within native material and the extent and potential significance of the resources that may exist within those areas.

–  Provides mitigation measures to reduce potential impacts when the assessment indicates that excavation into native material may contain biological, paleontological, or other scientific resources.

Incorporate County review comments as applicable, following submittal. Assessment must confirm with Implementation Strategy CR 4.5.1 Paleontological Studies and Implementation Strategy CR 4.5.2 Paleontological Monitoring. Optional subtasks may include monitoring and project control during excavation activities as required by Consultant’s assessment and mitigation plan above; prohibiting the continued excavation, damage to, removal, or defacing, without permission, of any paleontological site or feature from the portions of the project site that are under the jurisdiction of the county or state; providing documentation.

INTERESTED PARTIES MUST RESPOND BY: 5:00 p.m., Wednesday, August 9th, 2023.

Interested firms may respond by submitting a letter of interest, copy of DBE Caltrans certification, brief firm profile, key team member resumes, and relevant projects (limited to 10 pages). For information on the availability of scope of work, plans and specifications and the proposer/bidder’s policy concerning assistance to subcontractors in obtaining bonds, lines of credit, and/or insurance, please contact our office.

Firms may confirm their status as a Caltrans DBE certified vendor using the directory, here: California Unified Certification Program (dbesystem.com)

CONTACT: Nicole Olson
Proposal Coordinator/Technical Writer
1050 Southwood Drive
San Luis Obispo, CA 93401
P: 805.544.7507
Email:  [email protected]