Loose Cannons Faced Death and Won!


20160709_064038Saturday, July 9, 2016 tested the limits of seven members of Team Loose Cannons as they participated in the 37th Annual Death Ride, Tour of the California Alps. This grueling course challenged riders as they traversed 129 miles and 15,000 feet of climbing over 8,314-foot Monitor, 8,730-foot Ebbetts, and 8,580-foot Carson passes in a test of endurance and of personal goals.

Starting their journey in the wee hours of the morning, Cannon’s John Evans, Larry Kraemer, Katie Rollins, Jazz Gilbert, Jeff and his wife Angie Spannbauer, and honorary Loose Cannon, Elliot Feng began their 15-hour Tour of the California Alps.

“You’re starting in the early morning hours, three, four in the morning while it is still dark out, just knowing that you have these insane climbs ahead of you,” said Larry Kraemer,
Director of Cannon’s Public Infrastructure Division. “It is pretty intimidating and exciting all at the same time!”

This ride is not for the faint of heart, as many participants spend the whole year training for the rides steep climbs and conditioning for the thinner atmosphere. The blood, sweat, and tears proved worthwhile to all of the seven Loose Cannons’ participants, as they were able to traverse the five peaks.

IMG_20160709_110832“I guess it is what I picture what women go through when giving birth” mused Cannon’s
Director of Automation, Jeff Spannbauer. “You’re in pain the whole time and questioning if you can even do it, and then, you get to the top and feel such a sense of accomplishment and pride that you start talking about how you plan to do it again next year!”

That sense of pride is certainly well deserved by all of the Loose Cannon participants. Way to go team!