City of McFarland Wastewater Engineer

Cannon was selected to be an on-call municipal wastewater engineer for the City of McFarland for a three-year term. As part of this contract, Cannon provided the following services:

Wastewater Facilities Master Plan: Cannon completed a Wastewater Facilities Master Plan for the City’s 20-year growth projection. This plan included a phased approach to a facility plant expansion from 1.1 to 2.5 million gallons a day.

Sewer System Management Plan: Cannon prepared a 12-chapter Sewer System Management Plan per California State Water Resources Control Board requirements. This involved a schedule for closed-circuit television video and cleaning of the collection system.

Energy Efficiency Study: Cannon completed a preliminary energy efficiency plan to identify energy efficiency measures.

Solar Array Engineering Services: Cannon assisted the City with plan checking of electrical facilities for a Power Purchase Agreement established with a solar firm that installs complete systems. The solar array is exclusively for servicing the wastewater facilities.


McFarland, California

Key Elements

  • Master Plans
  • Plan Check
  • Report Preparation
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