South Alisal Road Widening and Drainage Improvements

The City of Solvang (City) wanted to widen South Alisal Road and remedy poor drainage in a few locations along the shoulder of the road. Cannon was selected to provide design services including preparation of construction drawings, specifications, and opinion of probable construction costs. Cannon’s approach was a full depth reclamation process with a cement treated base, rather than lime, that lowered construction costs. Cannon’s design kept the existing 22-foot road as a minimum width and only widened the road in areas narrower than 22- feet.

Cannon’s services also included holding existing road centerline alignment, adjusting finished cross slopes to be a consistent 2% throughout, eliminating proposed major slope cuts and grading work, providing additional striping and signage for share the road and pedestrian safety, and replacing an existing 18-inch storm drain culvert undercrossing.

As a result, the City’s roadway was reconstructed to have a consistent, 22-foot-minimum width, increasing the life expectancy to 50 years, and improving drainage and pedestrian and bike safety.


Solvang, California

Key Elements

  • Construction Drawings
  • Improved Drainage
  • Improved Pedestrian Safety
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