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Shell Beach Streetscape Project Wins State-Wide Recognition


Each year, the League of California Cities, County Engineers Association of California, and California State Association of Counties announce the winners of the Outstanding Local Streets and Roads Project Awards. These awards recognize programs in counties and cities throughout California that preserve and protect the public’s investments in improving local streets, roads, and bridges. The City of Pismo Beach claimed...

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CVWD Well Project Wins Not Just One, but Two Awards!


San Luis Obispo, August 28, 2019–Cannon’s collaborative efforts for a new well-reactivation project with Crescenta Valley Water District (CVWD) led to award-winning events. The project was recently awarded ASCE’s Outstanding Project of the Year and ASCE’s LA Section Water Treatment Project of the Year.  The result of the project was a new biological nitrate removal treatment facility and reactivation of Well...

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Grilling Tri-tip for Water Wells


San Luis Obispo, California, July 10, 2017 – Once again, Cannon’s Well Worth It Campaign – a charitable effort to build clean water projects for villages around the world – is grilling up tri-tip dinners to raise funds to build new water wells for those in need. This is Cannon’s seventh annual “Well Worth It Drive-Thru BBQ” and is a...

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Local Meteorologist Flips Pancakes into Water Wells


PG&E’s John Lindsey joins forces with Cannon Corp. for annual fundraiser Taking a break from his wet winter forecasts, Central Coast meteorologist and weather columnist John Lindsey will trade his radar for a spatula next Tuesday to help raise funds for water wells in developing nations. The Well Worth It Campaign, launched by Cannon in 2010, will host a pancake...

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Weighing in on SLO’s Housing Crunch


Homeownership remains distant goal for many in SLO County Originally Published By: Cynthia Lambert, San Luis Obispo Tribune Sometimes when Natalie Marinelli and her husband would take walks around their San Luis Obispo neighborhood, she would point out homes she thought would be nice to own someday. Marinelli’s husband, Peter, would quickly try to bring her back to reality....

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City Seeks to Eliminate Traffic Fatalities and Serious Injuries by 2030


Originally released 10/21/2016 by the City of San Luis Obispo The Vision Zero philosophy holds that the loss of life is not an acceptable price to pay for mobility. Deaths and Serious Injuries reduced by 58 percent Traffic accidents are the leading cause of death for people aged 13 through 25 in the United States, according to the National Highway...

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Cannon’s Nick Wetzel to Present at This Year’s SEAOC Convention


Friday, October 14, 2016, Maui, Hawaii—The annual convention for the Structural Engineers Association of California convenes this week from October 12-15 to focus on “recovering, learning, and rebuilding after recent Pacific Rim earthquakes.” With that, Cannon’s very own Nick Wetzel, SE, CPEng, co-authored a presentation and white paper that will be featured in the Friday sessions of the “Building Resilience...

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Green and Complete at the League of California Cities Conference


October 5-7, 2016 — Long Beach, California. Cannon hosted a Green and Complete Street booth at the annual League of California Cities Conference. This conference is the largest annual gathering of city officials in the State with a focus on improving policy and function at a local level. One of the keynote speakers for this event, Jason Roberts, spoke on...

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Let Cannon Do the Cooking


San Luis Obispo, CA In order to help Cannon raise $100,000 for its Well Worth It Campaign, a charitable effort to build clean water projects for five villages around the world in 2016, Cannon is excited to announce its Drive-Thru BBQ is happening on Wednesday, July 27, 2016, at Cannon’s headquarters located at 1050 Southwood Drive, San Luis Obispo, California. A...

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Cal Poly Concrete Canoe Wins Big


National Concrete Canoe Championship claimed by Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo SAN LUIS OBISPO, CALIF. After putting academic and athletic skills to the test in a grueling three-day battle at the American Society of Civil Engineers’ (ASCE) 23rd annual National Concrete Canoe Competition, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo has claimed its first ever national title. The school’s win,...

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