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On April 24, 2011: The Santa Maria Valley YMCA’s 17th annual Tri-For-Fun triathlon took place Saturday, following opening ceremonies at 7:30 a.m. About 200 athletes swam one-quarter mile, then rode either 12.5 or 17.9 miles and finally ran 3.1 miles along the course. Several Loose Cannons were among those to take top honors. Reynaldo Jaimes, Ron Hunt, and Jesse Russell...
Cal Poly’s Poly Canyon Village Recognized as Best New Development
SAN LUIS OBISPO – Cal Poly’s newest student housing complex, Poly Canyon Village, has been honored with the Innovator Award by Student Housing Business magazine. The honor was given to Poly Canyon Village architectural designer Niles Bolton Associates for the category of Best New Development: On-Campus. The award was presented April 13 at the Interface Student Housing Conference held in...
Loose Cannons Continue to Tackle New Challenges
For Immediate Release: April 15, 2011 Contact: Liz Moody Phone: 805-544-7407 Santa Monica, California, April 2011: Twenty-five cycling enthusiasts took part in the SLOMO 200 Bike Ride, starting from Cannon’s office in San Luis Obispo and ending at Cannon’s office in Santa Monica. With temperatures in the 30s, the Loose Cannon Team began their adventure on Friday, April 8, 2011....
Cannon Funds Water Wells in Ethiopia
In early November of 2010, a few employees of Cannon, an engineering firm in San Luis Obispo, were discussing the need for water wells in developing countries. Less than two months later, Cannon had raised over $10,000 through donations, enough to build two wells in Ethiopia later this year. How it Began Our firm works with public and private agencies...
November 2009: Loose Cannons Switched Gears for Spooktacular’s Hideous Hundred Ride
Bakersfield – Team Loose Cannon’s geared up on October 24th for the ride of the century, the Cannon Spooktacular Century that is. It’s an extreme mountain-rural bike ride (with a Halloween theme) hosted by the Kern Wheelmen, starting just east of Bakersfield and leading into the Southern Sierras and Sequoia National Forest. After enjoying the sun rise and few rolling...
November 2009: Loose Cannons Joined Forces for the SLO Triathlon
San Luis Obispo – On July 26th, 2009, Team Loose Cannons competed in the 30th annual San Luis Obispo Triathlon. Cannon employees, family, friends and clients came together to form 13 teams and 11 individual competitors. Each year the triathlon brings the extreme, intermediate and beginner Loose Cannon athlete out from his/her cubicle to train for one common goal: fitness,...
October 2008: Loose Cannons Take on the US Marines AGAIN at the Volkslauf Ultimate “Mud Run” Challenge
Loose Cannons Push themselves to the Limit and Beyond Cannon employees recently challenged themselves on a marine designed ROPES course in Bakersfield, CA. The “Loose Cannons” team received a hands-on lesson in teamwork, communication and core strength when they took part in the Marine’s Volkslauf Ultimate Challenge. The ROPES course offered over 75 truly challenging obstacles strategically crafted to test...
August 2008: Loose Cannons Rip Through the American River Rapids
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July 2008: Loose Cannons Come Out In Force at the San Luis Obispo Triathlon
San Luis Obispo – On July 27th, 2008, 58 Loose Cannons came together to compete in the 29th annual San Luis Obispo Triathlon. The twenty Loose Cannon teams were made up of Cannon associates, family and fiends. For many, this was the first triathlon in which they’d ever participated. “This event really encapsulated what it means to be a Loose...
February 2008: Loose Cannons Rally For the Tour of California
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