Secondary Water Plant WEMCO

In an effort to make arrangements for a secondary mechanically induced gas flotation unit at the San Ardo Field Water Plant, a Central Valley major oil company retained Cannon to facilitate the integration of the new unit.

Cannon prepared applications for the building permits, including grading plans for installing the WEMCO unit and associated building structures. In addition, Cannon gathered field data and provided site reconnaissance of pipeline routes and existing facilities; developed a project plot plan and mechanical equipment plot plan; sized the pipelines and associated equipment; specified piping materials and equipment; prepared topographic surveys; and provided final engineering and design for the equipment foundation.


San Ardo, California

Key Elements

  • Grading Plans
  • Site Reconnaissance
  • Plot Plans
  • Surveying

"I wish to note that our communications and quality of service that we have been receiving these past months have been exceptional. Cannon has been operating with limited resources and with ever-changing systems and requirements, yet manages to get things done the right way. I’ve had great success with their work thus far, and am happy to hear that Cannon resources will be available for our upcoming projects."

Industrial Client

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