Wastewater Treatment Facility Undergoing Improvements


The City of McFarland operates a wastewater collection, treatment, and disposal facility considered vital to the community. As the On-Call Municipal Waste Water Engineer for the City of McFarland, Cannon has been involved in several projects surrounding the City’s treatment plant. These include a 20-year Master Plan and the conversion of a 160-acre vineyard into feed and fodder farming. The Master Plan includes the construction of the headworks, followed by the aeration basin for the activated sludge plant. The headworks facility design will include an influent parshall flume, mechanical bar screen, and a lift pump station for establishing hydraulics through the plant.

The City also commissioned the installation of a five acre solar array for servicing the Wastewater Treatment Plant. This solar array is being provided through a PPA and will save McFarland approximately $80,000 a year. The panels will help reduce the plant’s energy use by producing around 842 kilowatts of energy and conserving more than 122 million gallons of water.